Presentations at external seminars – International spin physics collaboration at the collider NICA

Spin Physics Detector Project

Presentations at external seminars

December, 23, 2019. Joint seminar JINR and LPI RAS
Software for track fit and results of it’s usage for various geometriesV. Andreev
Small-angle diffractive pp scattering @ NICA-SPDA. L’vov
Технические заметки о малоугольном pp-рассеянии и его наблюдении в эксперименте NICA-SPDA. L’vov
Calibration Beams of the Accelerator S-25R “PAKHRA”V. Polyanskiy
Стенд для настройки и тестирования модулей кремниевых детекторов заряженных частицP. Nechaeva
December, 16, 2019. Joint seminar JINR and ITEP
Zero degree calorimeter. Conceptual designI. Alexeev
Detector simulation within GEANT4 frameworkA. Stavinsky
Предусилитель сигналов с SIPM с функцией ТОТ для ВВСP. Polozov
Изучение 16-канального прототипа детектора на основе кремниевых фотоумножителейA. Tishevsky
June, 21, 2019. VBLHEP Seminar
Measurement and control of absolute luminosity at the NICA (pdf)A. Litvinenko
Measurement and control of absolute luminosity at the NICA (ppt)A. Litvinenko
April, 10, 2019. VBLHEP Specialized Seminar A.M. Baldin Relativistic nuclear physicsand polarization phenomena № 778
Conceptual design of scheme of the protons and deuterons polarization control in the NICA colliderYu. Filatov
March, 28, 2019. Seminar in IHEP. Speakers R. Tsenov and O. Gavrishchuk
Study of polarization phenomena in pp- and dd-interactions at energy in s.m.c. up to 27 GeV/nucleon with SPD at NICA collider (ppt)R. Tsenov
Study of polarization phenomena in pp- and dd-interactions at energy in s.m.c. up to 27 GeV/nucleon with SPD at NICA collider (pdf)R. Tsenov
November, 15, 2018. NICA miniMAC session performed by telecommunication
Resume of the NICA Machine Advisory Committee at JINR (Dubna)
First Open Day of the NICA Complex (October, 31, 2018)
Spin Physics at NICAA.Gribowsky
October, 12, 2018. The JINR seminar
The SPD projectR. Tsenov
April, 4, 2018. Seminar in ITEP
Spin Physics Experiments with SPD at NICAA. Nagaytsev and S. Shimansky
Acceleration of polarized beams and polarimetry (rus)A. Nagaytsev and S. Shimansky
Drell-Yan studies with SPDA. Nagaytsev and S. Shimansky
Prompt photons studies at SPDA. Nagaytsev and S. Shimansky
Presentations at external seminars
A. Nagaytsev and S. Shimansky