Executive Board – International spin physics collaboration at the collider NICA

Spin Physics Detector Project

Executive Board

A. GuskovJINRex officio, Spokeperson of the NICA-SPD Collaboration, JINR project leader
V. KimPNPI, Russiaex officio, Spokeperson of the NICA-SPD Collaboration
A. KorzenevJINRex officio, technical coordinator
V. LadyginJINRex officio, representative of the host lab
E. Tomasi-GustaffsonSaclay, Franceex officio, CB chair
A. ZhemchugovJINRex officio, software coordinator
I. DenisenkoJINRex officio, physics coordinator
V. AnosovJINR
A. BaldinJINR
A. KulikovJINR
D. PanzieriTorino Univ. / INFN, Italy
Y. WangTsinghua Univ., China
A. TumasyanAANL, Yerevan